The medical term for grinding or clenching of the teeth is Bruxism. It often occurs during sleep, when we are unaware of it, and can cause multiple symptoms which include facial and jaw pain, headaches, earache, poor sleep patterns and anxiety.
Long term this can lead to complications such as wearing down of the enamel of the teeth which can lead to increased sensitivity and dental damage.
Injections offers one treatment option for teeth grinding. Injections into the masseters muscles, just below the jawline , can relax this muscle, preventing grinding.
Contact The Skin Studio in Wanaka today to schedule your consultation and take the first step toward smooth, flawless skin.
At The Skin Studio our aim is to make you feel better about your appearance and to provide you with as natural look as possible.
Doctor Mark Feeney is available to discuss any skin treatments on offer, from cosmetic treatments for treating fine lines and wrinkles, to medical services such as skin cancer checks and treating acne, bruxism or excessive sweating.
Our appearance medicine doctor is now mobile – let us come to you in Queenstown, Wanaka, Cromwell, Alexandra and surrounding areas.
Contact Dr. Mark Feeney to arrange a skin consultation to get you on track for looking and feeling your best.
027 234 5861
The Precinct
28 Helwick Street
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